17th Annual Hawkeye Tailgate Huge Dream Come True For Campers


A special thank you to Kirk Ferentz and the University of Iowa Senior Football players for making a dream come true for dozens of Camp Courageous Campers!  Thank you to Joseph ‘Sam’ Brinks, Assistant Director of Player Development for doing the behind-the-scenes work orchestrating the event at the University of Iowa Hansen Performance Center.

Campers and players received a great breakfast, along with a t-shirt, football, and posters to be signed.  A big thank you to Camp Board Member, Glenn Hasken, for reaching out to Molo Companies, Dubuque, for sponsoring the event and providing all the above for the campers and players.

After a great breakfast, campers took their free items for the players and coach to sign.  Then they proceded to tour the facilities, ending on the practice field tossing and kicking the football with the players.  It was a wonderful day, filled with memories that will last a lifetime.