Congratulations to Kevin Ahrendsen, Extraordinary Camper, Volunteer, and So Much More, A 2025 Nine-Who-Care Recipient!

Picture of one of Kevin Ahrendsen’s earliest years at Camp (L-R) Camper Doug Ahrendsen, Camper 2, Camper 3, Camper Kevin Ahrendsen, Camper 4.

KCRG 9-Who-Care-Award Night….Kevin with his family, father, Monte Ahrendsen; brother, Doug; Kevin; Sister-in-Law, Jodi; mother, Margo; and brother, Joel.  One SUPER FAMILY!

The world became a more compassionate and caring place when Kevin Ahrendsen was born January 27, 1991.  He has, for his entire life, lived outside the small rural community of Oxford Junction, Iowa. His 33-years have been spent living and working on the family farm, where there has never been a lack of work to be done or something new and exciting to explore and learn.  Kevin has always had a deep appreciation for being a farmer and caring for the land and the animals.  The Ahrendsen Farm is a Century Farm 1903-2003. They grow corn, soybeans, and hay on their farm. They also have cows and calves, that need attention several times a day. Kevin has a reputation for treating his animals like his babies. He receives great joy from tending to the cows, calves, feeder cattle and other farm animals.

Kevin’s family is composed of his mother, Margo and father, Monte along with two other brothers, Joel, who was a graduate of Iowa State in 2010, married, and lives in the area as a farmer and banker, and Doug, who has autism.  Kevin was born with Down Syndrome. Kevin’s parents met on RAGBRAI, which they continue to do, off and on.  “For the most part, having two children with disabilities, is all we’ve known,” said Margo. “Just because they have different abilities doesn’t make them any different. We treated them like regular kids and now adults. We figure they can be self-sufficient and one day take care of themselves, with some supervision. We teach them daily living skills, (such as chores, doing laundry, dishes, and setting the table) and social skills.”

Kevin is an extremely popular individual…loved by all who have had the opportunity to meet him.  There is not a mean bone in his body.  As the country has mainstreamed individuals with disabilities into all aspects of life, Kevin has been a wonderful role model for others to better understand and appreciate all.

Kevin was Homecoming King at North Cedar…which speaks volumes!  Margo reminded Kevin; he may be King at school…but not at home!  He was very active in 4H, FFA (Future Farmers of America) and Band.  He showed Champion 4H Holstein steers at the Great Jones County Fair, in Monticello, IA and exhibited projects at the State 4H Center.

After graduation from High School, Kevin attended the Transitional Center for 2-years.  Kevin graduated from the Transition Center in Cedar Rapids.

Kevin is active in his church.  He mentors new servers and assists at funerals and confirmations.  He is highly respected by his Pastor and congregation.

Along with the exercise that comes naturally from being an active farmer with animals and crops, Kevinrealizes his good health is key to everything.  He works out at least twice a week with a personal trainer.

Kevin has been employed most his adult life.  Currently he has been employed for over 10-years at Tiffiny’s Tipton Bakery, where he plays a key role to the Bakery’s success…with many customers wanting to see Kevinwhen they come into the bakery.

Kevin is also an exceptional volunteer!  Every 4th of July one can sees Kevin volunteering with Tiffiny’s Tipton Bakery.  Twice a week he is a volunteer at Camp Courageous, where he is a hard worker, fun personality, and a huge hit among all!  In addition, he volunteers for a variety of camper and fundraising events, for Camp Courageous.  There is no job Kevin has not done at Camp Courageous…always there to help anyone, at any time.

Kevin has been a Special Olympics Athlete since the age of 10.  His favorites have been Down Hill Skiing, Power Lifting, Track & Field, Softball, and Volleyball.  Kevin has competed in the National Games in Power Lifting in 2010 and 2022 where he medaled in every event.  Gold in Bench Press in 2022!

Kevin is always on the move.  When he is home from work and volunteering, he is doing his farm chores, which include, but are not limited to, caring for the cattle, chickens, pets, laundry, cleaning, and kitchen…along with watching his nieces and nephews.

Kevin is the ultimate “Ambassador”.    Everyone quickly warms to Kevin. He stays very active in a lot of things, and he is an advocate in his own rights, those of his brother, and that of hundreds, if not thousands of others.  He talks the talk, and walks the walk.

Definitions: Doug has Autism. Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) and autism are both general terms for a group of complex disorders of brain development. These disorders are characterized, in varying degrees, by difficulties in social interaction, verbal and nonverbal communication and repetitive behaviors. Autism statistics from the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) identify around 1 in 68 American children as on the autism spectrum–a ten-fold increase in prevalence in 40 years. Everyone with autism is unique. Many of those on the autism spectrum have exceptional abilities in visual skills, music, and academic skills. About 40 percent have average to above average intellectual abilities.

Doug (with ASD) has problems with communication, “He doesn’t initiate conversation when wanting something. He’s affected in so many ways by autism, with sensory, communication, and social problems.” Doug as a toddler communicated by shrieking, screaming, and kicking, usually due to frustration from not being able to verbally express his needs.  Over a two-year period then, the Ahrendsens hired a California autism expert and others to help Doug. He began talking at age 6. Today he doesn’t communicate well but talks enough to meet his basic needs.

Kevin has Down Syndrome. Down syndrome is caused by a defective cell division in an embryo, which creates three instead of two No. 21 chromosomes. It affects about 350,000 Americans and is the nation’s leading cause of an intellectual disability. It is typically associated with physical growth delays, characteristic facial features, and mild to moderate intellectual disability. The average IQ of a young adult with Down syndrome is 50, equivalent to the mental age of an 8-or 9-year-old child, but this varies widely.

Volunteer Activities 

Kevin has been involved with Camp Courageous since about the age of two and it has never stopped.  He is a regular volunteer at least twice a week, he also volunteers at many Camp Courageous activities, events, and fundraisers.  (Camp Courageous is a year-round recreational, respite, and travel program for individuals with disabilities of all ages.  It is run on donations, without government support, formal sponsorship, or paid fund raisers).

Kevin came to camp for the first time on a respite care weekend (starts Friday night and ends Sunday afternoon). The entire staff fell in love with him in a second. Everyone wanted to hold him and hug him and carry him. He may have been the most loved camper, ever. Well, Monday morning comes and we get a phone call from Margo letting us know that when Kevin came to camp he could walk…and now he can’t…because everyone wanted to hold him…to this day, I don’t know if she was kidding or not…but we do use it as an example during orientation, to encourage those who can walk…to walk.

Kevin has put a face to the campers Camp Courageous serves.  He has been affectionally referred to for years as Camp’s ‘Poster Camper’…he is the perfect AMBASSADOR!  One of Kevin’s volunteer jobs, that he does not realize he is doing, he is subliminally encouraging those with disabilities, their families, and others to get involved…Kevin is showing every day the unlimited possibilities everyone has from Camp to Farming to Special Olympics to Work and so much more.  That is HUGE!

With Camp, Kevin Ahrendsen has had some extraordinary opportunities.  He has thrown out the first pitch for Camp Courageous at a Cedar Rapids Kernels game, and it was far better than the majority of first pitches.  He has been on television, radio, in the newspapers and on social media.  Kevin works fund raisers, like the omelet breakfast, where he was one of the 20+ cooks lined up making fresh made-to-order omelets. He is Camp’s go to volunteer.

Outstanding Qualities 

Kevin is 100% heart…a heart as big as he is…he never stops caring for the needs of others…

Without realizing it, he is a huge advocate for those with special needs.

Patience-Kevin can be thrown into one of the most challenging situations and go in and come out very calm and under control, where others might be pulling their hair out.  There is a natural sense of calmness when being around Kevin. And having a life spent around students, athletes, those with special needs, customers…patience is a huge virtue.

Compassion-Kevin is often like a junior counselor, helping staff at Camp Courageous through difficult times.  He is always there to give a hug when a hug is most needed.

Kevin is a huge positive advocate for those with special needs. One can be an advocate for a variety of causes, but Kevin is reality.

Kevin has been resilient in all that he has done…never giving up…always trying harder the next time, across the board in all that he does.  And with that he has had the courage to go down paths no one else has traveled…being a trailblazer for those with special needs.

Kevin is an inspiration to others with special needs, along with their families.  He has inspired countless individuals to attend Camp Courageous, do Special Olympics, and very simply, enjoy life and get as much out of it as one can!  Kevin brings smiles, laughter, and real joy, wherever he goes.

Kevin has traveled the USA with Camp’s Travel Program…and once again, what a wonderful Ambassador and representative of Camp Courageous he is, wherever he is!  He knows no stranger.

Kevin Ahrendsen has been an inspiration and an exceptional friend to all….

Kevin Ahrendsen has all the qualities to be a Nine Who Care recipient…And the entire Camp congratulates him on this honor!