Becky Melchert Retires After 21-Years As Administrative Assistant


Congratulations to Becky Melchert on her retirement from Camp Courageous after 21-years as Camp’s Administrative Assistant.  A lot of changes have occurred at Camp during Becky’s tenure.  A special reception was held for Becky at Durgin Pavillion attended by family, friends, current and past staff, donors, and many others.  The common denominator among everyone was the fact that it was always nice to come into the office and be greeted by a smiling face and a pleasant ‘hello’ and a ‘how can I help you’.  During the reception, Becky said one of the unique things to happen to her, was when a camper asked her what her favorite Beatles song was, and she said, ‘In My Life’.  She said “shortly after that, Charlie came out of his office and was asked by the same camper, the same question.  And Charlie had the same answer, ‘In My Life’”.  Becky proceeded to play her guitar and sing that song to those gathered.  It was the perfect ending to a wonderful evening and a wonderful career at Camp Courageous.  Camp wishes Chuck and Becky the best in retirement.