Bob & Carol Tibor Start Another Chapter Of Growth At Camp Courageous

It was an honor to have Bob & Carol Tibor visit Camp Courageous and see first-hand the beautiful Camp Courageous Nature Trail Bob & Carol Tibor’s Family and Bob’s sister Marilyn Worthington helped provide Camp.  Bob & Carol Tibor’s Family also provided the funds for the bronze statue that sits at the center of the Mainliner Memorial Park.  It is symbolic of each day at Camp Courageous when the campers raise the flag and say their pledge of allegiance.  Below the girl in a wheelchair, is a plaque that reads, “We honor the incredible courage and perseverance of all campers and recognize the outstanding benefits provided at Camp Courageous by families, staff, and volunteers.  Bob & Carol Tibor Family.”

It was Marilyn’s desire to continue with her outside projects, in memory of her husband, Hal, who was a biologist by profession.  Marilyn thought the Outdoor Performing Arts Stage at Camp, would be a great next project.  The previous stage was decaying and had a tree land on it.  It was heartwarming to have Bob & Carol join Marilyn on this next project.  Such a good and caring family…