Brian Ahlrichs, 55, of Monticello Passes


Camp Courageous was deeply saddened by the passing of Brian Ahlrichs, 55, of Monticello.  Brian and his family have been extremely involved in Camp Courageous, going back to his wife, Berta (Schutz) Alrichs, being Camp Courageous’ long time Respite Care/Volunteer Coordinator.  I believe Berta and Brian may have met at Camp Courageous when Brian was working on a major construction project.  Brian went on to work 31-years at the Anamosa State Penitentiary, where he recently retired.  Brian and Berta believed strongly in service to others and the spirit of giving back, particularly to those with disabilities.  Each of their children did everything from fund raisers to life guarding for Camp.  Truly an exceptional family, that overflowed with love.  Brian will be dearly missed by all that knew him.  Camp’s sympathy goes out to Brian’s wife of 28-years, Berta, Benjamin, Bridget, Samantha, Sophia, Hannah, Harrison, and Lydia.