Camp Courageous Honored By Marion American Legion Post 298 Including Camp On Their Legacy Ride



Camp Courageous was honored to have members of the Marion American Legion Post 298 visit Camp Courageous during their Legacy Ride.

Campers were hopping with excitement as they heard the motorcycles pass through the gates of Camp Courageous.  Most could not wait to sit on one of these shiny bikes.  The dozens of cyclists were wonderful to the campers, giving them the thrill of sitting and exploring their bikes…it made the day for many campers and many bikers.

Camp Courageous thanks the American Legion Post 298 for visiting Camp Courageous on their special ride, and for their years of supplying Camp with replacement flags for the Mainliner Memorial Park, participating in activities, like a kickball, with the campers, and so much more.  We also thank this wonderful group for their service to our country.