Dear Friend Of Camp, Mel Holubar, 96 of Marion Passes

Mel Holubar, 96 of Marion recently passed.  Mel was a wonderful, good, and caring individual, whose entire life was spent in service to others.  Mel and his wife, Carolyn, of 63-years, were among Camp Courageous’ first volunteers, laying sod in 1973, just before the first campers came in 1974.  His support of Camp Courageous continued individually and through his membership in organizations like Kiwanis Club of Marion Sunrisers, St. Joseph Church in Marion and so many others. He was always more concerned about the well-being of others, then himself.  Carolyn and Melvin have been wonderful role models to all, showing by word, but more importantly by deed, the joy of giving back.  Camp’s heartfelt sympathy goes out to Mel’s, family, and friends.  Mel will be dearly missed, but what a beautiful legacy he leaves…