Don Lyons, Camp Courageous’ Newest Trail Blazer Award Recipient.

Congratulations to long time Camp Courageous supporter, Don Lyons, for never missing a Dysart Lions Club Meeting in 60-Years!  And for being a Camp Courageous Trail BlazerAward recipient.  All in the same night!

Don and Camp Courageous first met through the Iowa Oil Jobbers…which became the Petroleum Marketers of Iowa…then the Petroleum Marketers & Convenience Stores of Iowa and now FUELIowa.

In 1981 FUELIowa took Camp Courageous under their wings to support.  For the first time Camp Courageous had a statewide network of friends, to support the camp and the thousands of campers that the Camp served, coming from all 99-Iowa Counties, along with other states.

Don is a Past Chair of the FUELIowa Board.  The Camp and FUELIowa took huge strides forward during Don’s term.

Don introduced many individuals and organizations to Camp Courageous…one of them being the Dysart Lions Club.  We wish Don many more years of service to others!