Dr. Jeffrey Brand, Associate Professor of Public Relations at the University of Northern Iowa Opens Doors For Camp Courageous

A huge thank you to Dr. Jeffrey Brand, Associate Professor of Public Relations at the University of Northern Iowa for giving Camp Courageous the opportunity to present the Camp to his graduate students and take part in some exceptional back and forth discussion.  It was a fun and fascinating evening.  Jeff had students from as far away as Roswell, New Mexico (amid a sandstorm) to Rochester MN and beyond.  Sharp group with great interaction.  Dr. Jeffrey Brand told his story about his children, Steven and Brittany, attending Camp Courageous and what an incredible experience they have at Camp.  We are grateful for the student’s interest in Camp Courageous and we are grateful for all the great leads and ideas Camp gained from them, like dozens of new avenues for recruitment of staff.  Even one of the students is looking at applying for a Camp position!  UNI has consistently, over Camp’s 50+years of serving campers, been a source of great staff.  A huge thank you to Dr. Jeffrey Brand and the UNI students for opening the door and planting many seeds for the future!