Friday Manchester Garage Sale Volunteers

Camp is proudly introducing you to over 100-volunteers that make the Manchester Garage Sale, Camp’s #1 Fund Raiser!  Some of the folks’ volunteer 7-days a week…and others put in 12+hour days…they are all incredible!  Had a number of volunteers come up to us, just after the first of the year and say, ‘I had a customer say, our family would not have had a Christmas, if it was not for the Manchester Garage Sale.’  This speaks volumes as to the good these folks are doing for Camp and so many others.

Friday Morning Volunteers (Front L-R) Marla Schies, Pat Swanson, Bertha Starr, Cindy Smith, Madeline Borrett, Karen Thomsen, Rosie Perkins, Chris Tegeler, and Emma Richter.  (Not pictured Lynn Richter and Donna Hanson).

Friday Afternoon Volunteers include (L-R) Barb Wolfgram, Tanja Foster, Marla Schiess, Deb & Dale Gassman, Sandy Kent, Ken Burrows and Chris Tegeler.  Not pictured Phyllis Hillers and Elaine Klosterman.

The Manchester Garage Sale is open Monday through Friday 9 AM-4 PM, on Wednesdays they will go to 6 PM and on Saturday’s 9 AM to Noon.  Located at 1121 E Main ST, Manchester, IA  563/927-2120.