Gary Brokens,75, Passes…Among The Original Volunteers

Gary Brokens,75, died June 17, 2024, following complications of Parkinson’s Disease.  Gary and his wife Cindy and their three children have been active with Camp Courageous since its beginning….as a matter of fact….David Cuckler donated the first building on Camp Courageous land in 1973, a green shed.   Gary was working at Cuckler Manufacturing during this time and was part of a small group of locals who erected that first building at Camp Courageous.  From those earliest days of Camp Courageous, Gary never stopped supporting Camp. Camp’s sympathy goes out to Gary’s Family & Friends!

Volunteers erecting Camp’s first building…The Green Shed…which was Camp’s maintenance building for decades, in addition to the well’s holding tank, along with the kitchen’s walk in freezer and cooler.  Over the decades, it was eventually moved for the construction of the Main Lodge in 1990 and eventually dismantled to make room for Camp’s New Beckwith Maintenance Building in 2018.  It was not only the first building, but a building key to the early growth of the Camp.  Gary is in the back row, center.