Jerry Linder Comes Full Circle With Camp Courageous

In the early 1980s Jerry Lindner was partners with Jack Fraser in the HVAC/Plumbing business in Monticello.  Camp Courageous had been an all-electric camp, up to that point in time.  Camp Board Member & Chair of the Buildings and Grounds Committee, Merle Hennessey, thought it was time to look at alternatives.  Jack Fraser’s father-in-law was Alex Meyer, who eventually became the CEO of Amana Refrigeration in Amana.  Jack visited with Alex about Amana donating their complete heat units to Camp Courageous.  These units included an exceptionally high efficient furnace and water heater in one unit.  Amana donated enough units to cover the office, lodge, and three camper cabins!  Jerry and Jack installed each unit, which was a challenge since there was no duct work or LP lines in the buildings.

Over the years, Jerry Lindner worked closely with Camp Courageous Super Volunteer Jerry Rohr.  Jerry Rohr was a Jack-Of-All-Trades and a huge asset to Camp Courageous.  Jerry Rohr was always fixing things at Camp and had an open relationship with Jerry Lindner, to get whatever Camp needed from Jerry Lindner’s shop.

In 2000 Jerry Lindner had quadruple by-pass surgery and in 2007, Jerry’s wife, Jane passed.  Then with Covid, it was time to hang up his wrenches in 2021.

Jerry has stayed active with Camp Courageous and Special Olympics.  He remarked how he could not believe how the Camp has grown over the decades.   Jerry experienced firsthand being a coach for the local Special Olympics Baseball Team on the Camp’s new Handicapped Accessible Multi-Purpose Field.  And how nice it was to have Emily take them to the State Special Olympics in Ames, in the Camp Bus.

Recently Jerry Lindner donated his HVAC and plumbing supplies to Camp Courageous.  Jerry Lindner marveled over the incredibly hard working and dedicated maintenance staff camp had, to move all the items. There were many truck and trailer loads. Camp Courageous sincerely thanks Jerry Lindner for his decades of support.  Many wonderful memories and a lot of growth, thanks to Jerry, his family, and friends.