Long Time, Dear Friend of Camp Courageous, Christie Risley, 72, of Davenport, Passes

Camp Courageous’ sympathy goes out to Christie Risley’s, husband, Russ, along with family and friends upon her passing.  Christie, 72, from Davenport, was a delightful person to be around, and she brought love and joy to all those that surrounded her.  Camp Courageous was fortunate to be one of those organizations that surrounded her.  Christie and Russ took many Camp Trips, brought many loads of donations from Davenport to Camp, and attended many camp events.  They were both super loyal to Camp.  Anytime an opportunity arose to benefit Camp, they were quick to do whatever they could do to make it come true.  Camp Courageous is also grateful to Christie for choosing the Camp as one of the charities that memorials can be made to.  www.campcourageous.org/donate