Manchester Garage Sale Volunteers Are Exceptional!
A huge thank you to the dozens of volunteers who make up the Manchester Garage Sale! With no one paid at the Garage Sale, 100% of the money raised goes to benefit the Camp. These folks work year-round to make sure Camp’s largest fund raiser continues to be the success that it is! So many volunteers talked about what a highlight of their week it is to do their shift at the Garage Sale. They love the other volunteers, they love helping Camp, and they talked about the many situations over the holidays, where folks did not have the money to pay retail at stores, but they could still provide their family nice gifts from the Manchester Garage Sale. It is a win-win-win situation. Camp recently had a little appreciation luncheon for these wonderful volunteers. Manchester and the surrounding area are a wonderful to Camp Courageous and Camp is grateful they took the Camp under their wing, nearly 50-years ago!