Thank you to Mona Rottinghaus for donating T-shirts for campers, ranging in sizes from Youth XL to 3XL.

Mona and Rick Rottinghaus have been involved in the Camp over the years but this past year, they have answered the call each time camp is in need… volunteering at the Camp’s Holiday party when additional volunteers were needed and most recently answering the call for white t shirts needed for campers to be able to do one of camp’s traditional arts and crafts activities, tie dying. This week Mona and Rick dropped off 300 white t shirts of all sizes to make tie dye possible for ALL campers throughout the rest of the Summer. Camp and the campers are so thankful to Mona for jumping in to make tie dye happen this summer for all.

Mona and Rick pose for a photo during the Camp’s holiday party

Campers enjoy tie dye thanks to the HUGE donation of t-shirts from Mona!!