Solon American Legion Stinocher Post #460 Continues To Support Camp

A huge thank you to the Solon American Legion Stinocher Post #460 for their many years, supporting Camp Courageous.  (L-R) Larry Swann, long time member and Past Post Commander of the Solon American Legion Post 460 and Past State American Legion Commander, Henry Rios, presents Camp Courageous with a check at the Mainliner Memorial Park.  Both took the time to see and hear more about Camp, as they toured the facilities.  Henry has been Chair of their 9-member Golf Benefit that raised much of the money.  Huge thank you to the Solon American Legion Stinocher Post #460 for their years of support and for taking the time to personally see Camp!  Camp will be forever grateful for their service…something we think about every morning when the campers raise the flag…