In April of this year, I will enter my 40th year with Camp Courageous…not the course this passionate high school government teacher ever dreamt he would be traveling. I have been fortunate to be surrounded by dedicated and caring board members, staff, campers, volunteers, supporters, and friends. I could not have asked for a more fulfilling career.

My future plans are to stay the course. There are many large projects on the drawing board that are waiting for execution in the coming months and years. I cannot wait to be at Camp by 5 AM each morning to see what new adventure the day brings. When the time comes that I do not feel I am taking the camp to new heights and that the next team is ready to assume the duties, or when the board, staff, or supporters feel I have peaked, I will step aside and let the next generation of leader(s) assume responsibility to ensure the camp excels into the future beyond expectations.

Other things that could change the course is the health and wellbeing of myself and/or my family. In the event of an accident or something that requires an immediate replacement, the board has a game plan in place. If the departure occurs over time, there are several individuals that have a passion for the profession and are being groomed. When the appropriate time arrives, I will move from the day-to-day operations of the camp to the camp’s foundation and excitedly watch the next chapter of Camp Courageous unfold.

A  second reason for my planned work, beyond 65 years of age, is it gives me the means to continue to support individuals and organizations that share in my passion of making life better for others, particularly the least amongst us. I would not be where I am today without the love, support, and faith of many. I have been blessed with many exceptional mentors. In 1980, Dr. Earl DeShaw taught me the joy that comes with giving and asked me to lead by example and join him in giving to the newly established Camp Courageous Foundation. He was looking for 100 people to give $1,000/year for five years. He explained to me that it was only $20/week; however, when I was  making $17,000/year and had a mortgage of $450/month, it was the most substantial giving I had ever done. I have sincerely felt that the more I give, with my time and resources, the more it has come back to me many times over…and that has been my reality. I have experienced a lifetime of blessings. Early on in my career, Dr. DeShaw introduced me to Ronald and Winfred Fleming, who eventually thought enough of the work being done at Camp Courageous that they financially endowed my position.

The future of Camp Courageous is extremely exciting. I wish for each of you the very best of good health and happiness in your futures.

-Charlie Becker