The Chicago Urban Bicycle Society (C.U.B.S.) Come Through For Camp Courageous!

The Chicago Urban Bicycle Society (C.U.B.S.) once again came through in a huge way with their annual dinner/auction during RAGBRAI (Register’s Annual Great Bicycle Ride Across Iowa) to benefit Camp Courageous.  At Thursday’s overnight in Ottumwa, they had their dinner/auction at the Ottumwa Golf Course for Camp.  Long time leader Brad Prendergast and C.U.B.S. Board Member Dana Nelson presented a cake in honor of the two groups.  In the middle of the group picture, in red and green shirts is Camp Board Member Jim Foels and his wife, Elsie.  Each year the Foels offer an Iowa Farm Experience to the high bidder…which has been a huge hit!  This relationship with the C.U.B.S. started 19-years ago and has grown in many positive ways over the years. Absolutely super group!