Tuesdays Super Manchester Garage Sale Volunteers

In the coming weeks we are going to proudly introduce you to over 100-volunteers that make the Manchester Garage Sale, Camp’s #1 Fund Raiser!  Some of the folks’ volunteer 7-days a week…and others put in 12+hour days…they are all incredible!  Had a number of volunteers come up to me, just after the first of the year and say, ‘I had a customer say, our family would not have had a Christmas, if it was not for the Manchester Garage Sale.’  This speaks volumes as to the good these folks are doing for Camp and so many others.  Tuesday Morning Volunteers (Front L-R)  Mary Dighton, Mary Ann Schnieders, Linda Soules, Mary Sheppard, Cindy Smith, Lynn Ryan, JoEllen Holtorf, Chris Tegeler, and Patty Discher.  (Not pictured were Lily Blong, Candy Holdridge, John Smith and Betty Werner).

Tuesday Afternoon Volunteers include (L-R) Diane RoedeRichter, Berdina Bell, Sandy Dingbaum, Larry Kremer, Lois Petlon, Darlene Boge, Mary Dighton, and Diane Heiter.  (Not pictured:  Diane Ward, Carol Elliot, Marv Goldsmith, and Patti Larson.)

MGS is open Monday through Friday 9 AM-4 PM, on Wednesdays they will go to 6 PM and on Saturday’s 9 AM to Noon.  Located at 1121 E Main ST, Manchester, IA  563/927-2120.