Whitewater Rafting Excitement!

Day 1:

The travel group assembled to embark on a whitewater rafting expedition! The day was filled with getting acquainted; laughter and stories flowed freely over a dinner of delicious tacos, breaking the ice and building friendships. After the meal, the group gathered by the pool for an essential introduction to rafting techniques. Here, they learned the basics of paddling and practiced crucial water skills, each member becoming more confident with every stroke.

As the sun began to set, the group transitioned to the “duffel shuffle,” a session dedicated to preparing for the upcoming adventure. They sorted through their gear and discussed the importance of appropriate clothing for the trip, ensuring everyone understood what to pack. This practical exercise not only made sure everyone was prepared for the challenges ahead but also reinforced the sense of unity among the participants, setting the stage for a thrilling and well-organized journey down the river.

Day 2:

The day was spent driving to reach the campsite, making the journey a significant part of the adventure. Jocelyn joined the travel group, adding a fresh burst of energy and enthusiasm to our team. We enjoyed a simple lunch on the road, savoring sandwiches that kept us fueled for the long haul. After hours on the road, we finally arrived at our destination and quickly got to work setting up camp. Learning how to pitch tents and organize the kitchen was a hands-on experience that brought everyone together as we tackled the various tasks required to establish our base.

Once our campsite was set up, we prepared a hearty meal of noodles with red sauce, a comforting end to our busy day. After eating, we cleaned up and gathered for our evening meeting, where we discussed the day’s events and planned for the days ahead. The night concluded with a fireside chat, where the flickering flames illuminated our faces and the colorful firelights danced in mesmerizing patterns, offering a perfect ending to our day of travel and teamwork.

Day 3:

   The group awoke to a beautiful day, setting the tone for an exciting adventure. We started our morning with a hearty breakfast of French toast, which provided the perfect energy boost for the day ahead. After enjoying our meal, we embarked on a scenic hike to Thunder Mountain, taking in the breathtaking views and fresh air. The hike was invigorating and set the stage for the exhilarating activities that followed.

   Once we returned from the hike, we prepared for an afternoon of white-water rafting on the Peshtigo River. Our journey began with a thrilling descent through Chipmunk Valley, followed by the picturesque boulder garden. The excitement heightened as we approached our first class 3 rapid, Drop 1, which everyone successfully navigated. We continued through a series of class 2 and 3 rapids, each providing its own challenge and thrill.  Afterward, we enjoyed a delicious dinner of sloppy joes that truly hit the spot. As we recounted the day‘s rapids and experiences, we eagerly prepared for our next adventure: rafting on the Menominee River.

Day 4:

  We started our journey down the Menominee River. It began with the guides outfitting us in gear essential for navigating the rapids. Once equipped, we were treated to a scenic view that offered a tranquil start to our adventure.

 As we drifted along, we engaged in fun, team-building games such as Trust T Grips, where we locked our paddles together and leaned back, and Simon Says, where we executed 180-degree turns, adding an element of playful competition to our rafting experience. With our warm-up activities complete, we braced ourselves for the main event: the class 4 rapids. The thrill heightened as we approached the turbulent waters, preparing for the powerful rush of waves that would test our skills and coordination. The raft surged through the frothy currents, and the excitement of riding the rapids left us exhilarated and laughing, a perfect culmination of our morning’s adventure.

   The rest of the day was filled with campfire games, a shopping trip at the Wildman Outpost stores, and a satisfying meal that left us all full and content. We savored our final night outdoors, enjoying the peaceful ambiance and making the most of our time in nature.

Day 5:

   The group woke up early on the final day in Wisconsin, eager to make the most of the morning. The aroma of fluffy pancakes filled the air as everyone pitched in to prepare breakfast. This was our last day at Wildman Adventure Resort, a place that had become a temporary home filled with adventure.
After breakfast, we began packing up. Tents were carefully taken down, belongings were organized, and the van was loaded with practiced efficiency. As we bid farewell to the Wildman staff, there was a strong sense of accomplishment. The guides had been exceptional, leading us to victory on the challenging rapids and creating memories that would last a lifetime.
    The journey back home was bittersweet. We made a few pitstops along the way—first at Cabela’s for some last-minute shopping, where campers picked up souvenirs and snacks. A quick stop at Starbucks provided a much-needed caffeine boost. Back on the road, the van was filled with laughter and music as we cranked the volume up to 100, singing our hearts out and bobbing our heads in unison for the rest of the drive.
Returning to Camp Courageous, we unloaded a few items and headed straight to Pizza Ranch for a well-deserved celebratory dinner. The meal was the perfect reward after conquering the rapids and the challenges of the trip.
    Later that night, we gathered around the campfire one last time. The flames danced as we shared stories, debriefed the trip, and even danced around the fire. It was a time to reflect on our journey, the friendships we had strengthened, and the incredible things we had accomplished together. As the fire began to die down, we knew that this adventure was coming to an end. We packed up our equipment and gear, ready for the final day of cleanup before being picked up.