Benefit The Vets celebrate the day with Veterans and their families!

Back in November of 2023, Benefit The Vets was looking for opportunities to support their local Eastern Iowa Veterans.  Benefit The Vets is right up the road in Worthington and they put on annual fundraiser concerts for Vets.  When they contacted Camp, they stated, how they strive to keep their dollars local therefore thought they would reach out to see if there was a way they could support Camp Courageous and Veteran initiatives.


Thank you to Benefit The Vets, not only for their generous donation from the August concert, but expanding the initiative to have Veterans and their families spend a September day at Camp Courageous. The day included, the Honor & Color Guard by the Dyersville American Legion at camps Memorial Park, Quilts of Valor presented 5 quilts to veterans inside Durgin Pavilion, as well as provided lunch for all and proceeded with a fun filled day of outdoor activities, such as, fishing, canoeing/paddle boating, animals, zipline rides and miniature golf.

Nearly a year in the making and we could not have asked for a better day with a wonderful group of people to share the day!