Fuel Tanks & EV Charger Project

Camp’s existing fuel tanks no longer meet new insurance standards for safety. Camp is raising money to purchase a 550-gallon Horizontal Fireguard Gas Tank and a 550-gallon Horizontal Fireguard Diesel Tank. These tanks are needed to fuel existing camp vehicles and buses.

Camp has installed a Level 3 EV Super Charger for electric vehicles. This will allow camp to prepare for future electric buses and other vehicles. It will be indirectly powered by the camp’s substantial solar arrays on the majority of camp’s south facing roofs. Along with camp’s use, the charger is an ongoing fund raiser for the camp as it is available to the public with a standard fee. A great opportunity for the public to look around Camp while charging.

Donations of any amount are appreciated and can be directed to any of the three needed fuel sources.  Each fuel source site will have a plaque that displays the names of donors of $1,000 or more.