Camp Program Given To The Poweshiek County Historical and Genealogical Society

Camp Courageous would like to thank long time board member, Jim Foels, of Brooklyn, IA for coordinating with Sandy Roberts, also from Brooklyn, to have Camp Courageous give a program to The Poweshiek County Historical and Genealogical Society.  This wonderful group had so many connections with the Camp over the years from attending Cruisin’ For Camp, to the breakfasts & open houses, to knowing campers who had attended Camp…it was a great day!   And what a beautiful job this group has done on preserving the history of their area, including, but not limited to a beautiful country school house, moved to town, Scott Township school #7, also known as Fitzsimmons School, was a great step back into a one room rural school from the 1890’s; the old jail, turned into a museum; and t The old Carnegie Library, which serves as their Research Library.  It was also a treat to reconnect with Edison ‘Jr’ Sharp, their current President, long time Camp supporter.