Roberta Snyder, Yale, IA…Delivers A Labor of Love…

It was a special treat to have Roberta Snyder (L) come from Yale, IA to deliver 19-quilts (a real labor of love) and some paper products in memory of her dear friend, Dayna Decker-Nuzum. Roberta and Dayna were members of the Phythian Sisters, and every year they would travel for hours to deliver quilts and Camp needs to Courageous.  Dana had Camp Courageous as her Pythian State Project, and ever since about 1990, they have been supporting the Camp.  Dana passed a year ago, just before their annual road trip to Camp Courageous.  A special thank you to Roberta’s daughter-in-law, Amy Snyder (R) for driving…they were on the road most the day.  Amy is a Camp Courageous Triathlete, and lives in Marshalltown, IA.  Both had the opportunity to ride the Camp’s Zipline!